Using a well practiced script for prospecting is a key to success.
In my prospecting workshops, I sometimes get push-back when I recommend the use of a phone script. The objections often come in the form of, “I don’t want to sound fake” or “You never know what the prospect is going to say, so a phone script won’t work.”
There are 3 strong reasons why you need one:
Reason #1: The words will be more powerful.
You’ve only got a few seconds to get the listener to want to keep talking. In fact, one study found that a listener will start deciding whether they want to continue a phone conversation or not in the first 8 seconds! Having a script allows you to craft the message in a clear, concise & compelling manner. In my experience, salespeople who try to “wing-it” end up in convoluted, weak conversations that end in failure. Rather, when you put the time in, you can craft a message that gets to the point – a point that will resonate with your prospect.
Reason #2: You can perfect your delivery.
Just like a professional performer, your delivery will get better and better when you know what you’re going to say and you practice it until it’s smooth. Can you imagine a performer who tries to do things differently every night? Most people’s experience with salespeople who are obviously using a script is usually negative. Why? Because they usually are hired, given a script and told to simply read it to the customer. Of course it sounds fake because they are reading it and haven’t practised it until it’s great. The irony is that the more practiced you are, the more natural you sound! You will never know that someone who is good is using a script because it sounds so natural.
Reason #3: You will have more confidence.
Prospecting can be nerve-wracking but when you know how you’re going to approach a prospect and have it well practiced, you’re confidence will multiply. And your increased confidence will benefit you in two ways: The confidence will come through in your voice and you’ll be less fearful of making more calls!
Northbound’s workshop, “Connecting to the Big Cheese” covers all the critical parts of prospecting skills including script development. For more info, click here or contact Michael at [email protected] or 416.456.1440.
Happy Selling!